The CSC STL office is closed on Monday, May 6-Zoom programs only on 5/6.


Give Gifts with Meaning

Tribute donations to Cancer Support Community are a thoughtful way to honor or memorialize someone or to celebrate a special occasion in the life of a friend, family member or colleague while supporting cancer patients, survivors and their families. We will send a photo greeting card to notify that special someone of your kind donation. Your tax-deductible contribution helps fund our free programs and services for those facing a cancer diagnosis in our community.


  • Direct Payment Online
  • Make checks payable to Cancer Support Community of Greater St. Louis and mail with relevant information to:
    Cancer Support Community of Greater St. Louis
    1058 Old Des Peres Road
    Saint Louis, MO 63131.
  • You may also call 314-238-2000 and make a tribute gift using a credit card.

Tribute gifts are processed a minimum of once a week and are tax deductible. Gifts of $25 or more are published here on Cancer Support Community’s tribute page, quarterly. Due to administrative costs, a minimum donation of $10 per tribute is requested.

Thank you for recognizing someone special while helping CSC change the lives of cancer patients and their families. The following reflects tribute gifts received from July 1, 2023 through September 30, 2023. We apologize for any omissions or errors.


Samuel Bernstein
Bill and Saundra Peck

Mel Bokermann
Karen Page

Edward Cohen
Rick Halpern

Florence Miller
Alexandra Becker

Leslie Reby
Rick Halpern

Todd Wolff
Judge and Mrs. Robert Cohen


Susan Cooper
Tom and Sheri Schweizer

Judi Cytron
Mitch and Lynda Baris

Linda Eschen
Marilyn Friedman
Dexter and Lisanne Schraer

Dorothy Jacobs
Sheila Cohen

Aaron Komen
Edward Schukar

Tammy Hofstad Mohs
Helen Nelling

Deborah Zorensky
Sheri and Tom Schweizer

Hope After Dark- Tributes of Hope:

All those affected by cancer
The Wolff Family

Ann-Marie Hillyer
Rebecca and Paul Romine

Beverly Jordan
Angela Lewis

Brandi Ward
Charlie and Joyce Woodard

Carol Belloli
Charlie and Joyce Woodard

Cathy Goellner
Barry and Debbie Koenemann

Christopher Davidson
Todd and Judy Taylor

CSC Board of Directors
Michelle and Ephraim Mufson

CSC Staff
Michelle and Ephraim Mufson

David Sindelar
Sara Sindelar

Debbie Kogan
Mike Nelson

Dr. Bob Scott
Rebecca and Paul Romine

Earl McPherson
Danielle McPherson

Eileen Carroll
Rebecca and Paul Romine

Flossie Campbell
Mary Lofton

Fr. George
Nancy and Dick Arnoldy

Gail Bopp
Jessica and Andy Millner

Gary Nelling
Helen Nelling
Tony Garavaglia

Grace Brod
Jessica and Andy Millner

Herbert Williams
Keisa Johnson

Jack Rooney
Sara Sindelar

Jim Scott
Peggy Scott

Kate Minor
Jamie and Tim Loomis

Kenneth Steinback
Marilyn Steinback
Rick and Deby Halpern

Kim Brinkman
Nancy and Dick Arnoldy

Linda Jones
Ann and Tim Plunkett

Lori Luebbering
Brad and Rhonda Kloeppel

Lynne Palan
Jessica and Andy Millner

Marcia Halpern Lerner
Marty and Merle Oberman
Rick and Deby Halpern

Marianne Garavaglia
Tony Garavaglia

Marie Kelley
Romona Hawkins-Miller

Marsha Wolff
The Wolff Family

Mary and Stacie
Lynn and Mary Cunningham

Mary McCoy
Carolyn and Matt Gollub

Mary Thomas
Audrey Gipson

Maxine Washington
Dawn Gipson

Nancy Gay
Kate and David Hatfield

Peggy Nelson
Mike Nelson
Chuck and Jean Naslund

Peter Mantovani
Charlie and Joyce Woodard

Rebecca Cook
Nancy and Dick Arnoldy

Rita Luebbering
Brad and Rhonda Kloeppel

Robert Brod
Jessica and Andy Millner

Rose Marie Miller
Alvin Miller

Sharon and Richard Cohen

Shirley Harvey
Candice Nance

Steve Schmid
Kate and David Hatfield

Sue and Don Gallop
Emily and Matt Cohen

Tim Plunkett
Ann and Tim Plunkett

Tonya Glynn
Mike Nelson

W.V. Lofton
Jonelle Lofton

Gary Wolff and The Wolff Family
Virginia Howell
Edward Cohen
Joan Malloy and MAI Capital Management
Keith and Cindi Guller
Lewis Levey
Mike and Vicki Barnell
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Isserman
Dr. Alan Lyss
Simons Jewelers
Mark and Karen Zorensky
Dr. Burton Needles
Rick and Deby Halpern
Cap and Jen Grossman
Ed and Dorette Goldberg
Gloria Spitzer
Nancy and Randy Green


Our Community Partners
Staenberg Family Foundation
Land Dynamics
Wolff Shoe Co