

Give Gifts with Meaning

Tribute donations to Cancer Support Community are a thoughtful way to honor or memorialize someone or to celebrate a special occasion in the life of a friend, family member or colleague while supporting cancer patients, survivors and their families. We will send a photo greeting card to notify that special someone of your kind donation. Your tax-deductible contribution helps fund our free programs and services for those facing a cancer diagnosis in our community.


  • Direct Payment Online
  • Make checks payable to Cancer Support Community of Greater St. Louis and mail with relevant information to:
    Cancer Support Community of Greater St. Louis
    1058 Old Des Peres Road
    Saint Louis, MO 63131.
  • You may also call 314-238-2000 and make a tribute gift using a credit card.

Tribute gifts are processed a minimum of once a week and are tax deductible. Gifts of $25 or more are published here on Cancer Support Community’s tribute page, quarterly. Due to administrative costs, a minimum donation of $10 per tribute is requested.

Thank you for recognizing someone special while helping CSC change the lives of cancer patients and their families. The following reflects tribute gifts received from January 1, 2024 through March 31, 2024. We apologize for any omissions or errors.

In Honor

Ellen Bluestone

                Donna & Bob Cohen

Bill Elliot

                Gerry & Chuck Halpern

Len and Sandy Komen

                John Magner

Michelle Mufson

                Marty & Merle Oberman

Shirley Mosinger

                Ken Agatstein

Marty & Merle Oberman

                Donna & Bob Cohen

                Gerry & Chuck Halpern


In Memory

Kay Branson

                Thomas Kuhn

Laurie Dyche

                Paula McCann

Edward A Eiswirth

                Christie Schillinger

                Tom Schillinger

Cynthia Portnoy Kagan Frohlichstein

                Leonard & Audrey Adreon

                Susan Brown

                Gina Deddens

                Jan Everote

                Roberta Gutwein

                Larry & Gail Hartstein

                Susan Roman

                Candice Roth

                Mary Strauss

Sam Wice

Marsha Heligman

                Donna & Bob Cohen

Michael Holbrook

                Patricia Holbrook

Jon McDaniels

                James Backer

                Shawn & Michelle Behrle

                Scott Drost

                Joan & Greg Guest

                Bryan & Megan Massmann

Tom Nahlik

                Ken & Carol Agatstein

Jerry Pensel

                Linda Lucas

Roxanne Perkins

                Sanjaya Gupta


                Sheri Kanterman

Lawrence Weltman

                Myron Klevens

Our Community Partners
Staenberg Family Foundation
Land Dynamics
Wolff Shoe Co